MDP | 2023 FALL | DEV 1
Real Estate Hedge Garden:
A Psycho-Geographic Map
of Sunset Boulevard
October 2023
Jane Lu
Tim Durfee
October 2023
Jane Lu
Tim Durfee
Psycho-Geography Map of Sunset Blvd
Psychogeography is the exploration of urban environments that emphasizes interpersonal connections to places and arbitrary routes. It is more based on one’s memory, senses and feelings, instead of geographic facts. For this Unity project, I observed a strip of Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, and drew a psychogeographic map based on my interpretation of the neighborhood.
This is a project done at ArtCenter MDP, Dev Studio 1. With the rest of the class’s work, we form a complete mental map of Sunset Boulevard.
Psychogeography is the exploration of urban environments that emphasizes interpersonal connections to places and arbitrary routes. It is more based on one’s memory, senses and feelings, instead of geographic facts. For this Unity project, I observed a strip of Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, and drew a psychogeographic map based on my interpretation of the neighborhood.
This is a project done at ArtCenter MDP, Dev Studio 1. With the rest of the class’s work, we form a complete mental map of Sunset Boulevard.
The part of street I oberved starts from 107 North Canyon View Drive and ends in 3 South Benley Avenue. It is 2.2 miles long, 40 mins to an hour walking distance.
The area includes Brentwood Heights, an upper-middle class residential neighborhood. The Getty Museum could be sighted from highway 405.
The part of street I oberved starts from 107 North Canyon View Drive and ends in 3 South Benley Avenue. It is 2.2 miles long, 40 mins to an hour walking distance.
The area includes Brentwood Heights, an upper-middle class residential neighborhood. The Getty Museum could be sighted from highway 405.

With an anticipation of observing architecture and house styles as we are located in a residential area, I was shocked to find hedges after hedges, blocking views from outside observers.
However, not satisfied with the situation, I went on Zillow. Only to find more pictures of the hedges, no houses in sight, only the prices. The idea of the pyschogeography map of a cyber real estate hedge garden with hidden Zillow information pages thus emerged, from the strip’s physical and online appearance.
With an anticipation of observing architecture and house styles as we are located in a residential area, I was shocked to find hedges after hedges, blocking views from outside observers.
However, not satisfied with the situation, I went on Zillow. Only to find more pictures of the hedges, no houses in sight, only the prices. The idea of the pyschogeography map of a cyber real estate hedge garden with hidden Zillow information pages thus emerged, from the strip’s physical and online appearance.